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1996 Fuchs, Rudi Appel. Figures et paysages

exh. cat. Galerie Lelong, Paris, 1996

2005 Fuchs, Rudi & Steininger, Florian Karel Appel: Retrospective 1945 – 2005

with texts by Rudi Fuchs (reprints from 1990 and 1995), Florian Steininger (reprint from 2002), exh. cat. Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava, 2005

1982 Beeren, Wim Het Nieuwe Werk van Karel Appel 1979 – 1981

exh. cat. Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 1982

1951 Cobra, Revue international de l’art experimental

# 10 (autumn 1951), used as exh. cat. for IIe Exposition

1994 Appel, Karel & Claus, Hugo & Fuchs, Rudi & Hunter, Sam & McCormick, Carlo Karel Appel Retrospective

with texts by Karel Appel (reprint from 1971), Hugo Claus (reprint from 1962), Rudi Fuchs (reprint from 1990), Sam Hunter (reworked text from 1986), Carlo McCormick (reprint from 1990), exh. cat. The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, 1994

1976 Editie “collection d’art” year 8, # 4 (1976), with introduction by A. M. Hammacher, used as exh. cat. for Collection d'Art, Amsterdam, 1976 Catalogue
1996 Fuchs, Rudi Karel Appel: Variazioni sul tema

with text by Rudi Fuchs (transcript/excerpt of radio broadcast from 1995), exh. cat. Fondazione Ambrosetti Arte Contemporanea, Brescia, Italy, 1996

2006 Heymer, Kay The Guggenheim. Die Sammlung

with texts by Kay Heymer et al., exh. cat. Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Kunstmuseum Bonn, 2006

1982 Esteban, Claude Appel et Alechinsky. Encres à deux pinceaux, peintures, etc.

with explanation by Pierre Alechinsky, foreword by Christian Dotremont (reprint from 1978), exh. cat. Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, 1982

1951 Internationale d’ Art Experimental

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Liège, Belgium, 1951

1994 Teh-Yu Wang, David A Retrospective of Karel Appel

with preface by Tsai-Lang Huan and introduction by Rudi Fuchs, exh. cat. Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan, 1994

2014 Gingeras, Alison Karel Appel

exh. cat. Blum & Poe, New York, 2014

1996 Baum, Peter & Kaiser, Franz-W. Karel Appel. Gemälde, Gouachen, Zeichnungen 1950-1965

with texts by Peter Baum, Franz-W. Kaiser (transcript of speech from 1994), exh. cat. BAWAG Foundation, Vienna, 1996

2006 Sailer, John Karel Appel: Last Paintings

exh. cat Galerie Ulysses, Vienna, 2006

1982 Josephus-Jitta, Mariette Karel Appel: Werk op papier 1941 – 1981, tekeningen, aquarellen, gouaches

with text by Mariette Josephus-Jitta, exh. cat. Gemeente Museum Den Haag, The Hague, 1982 & Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, Germany & Städtische Galerie, Erlangen, Germany & Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands & Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm & Musee des Augustins, Toulouse & Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen & Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo

1959 Marinotti, Paolo Dipingere coi tessuti

exh. cat. Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 1959

1982 Béraud, Gilles & Besson, Christian & Dotremont, Christian & Lecombre, Sylvain CoBrA, 1948-1951

exh. cat. Museé d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris & Maison de la Culture, Chalon-sur-Saône, France & Museé des Beaux-Arts, Rennes, France

2001 Ragon, Michel Karel Appel: Sag zum Abschied leise Servus

exh. cat. Galerie Lelong, Paris, 2001

2001 Kaiser, Franz-W. Karel Appel: Beelden 1936–2000

with text by Franz-W. Kaiser (excerpt from 1998), exh. cat. Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, The Netherlands

2015 Gingeras, Alison & Godet, Marie & Laugharn, Fiona The Avant-Garde Won’t Give Up. Cobra & Its Legacy

exh. cat. Blum & Poe, New York, 2015

1959 Marinotti, Paolo & Michaux, Henri & Sandberg, Willem Vitalità nell'Arte

exh. cat. Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 1959 & Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen, Germany & Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

1964 Read, Herbert Appel

exh. cat. American Art Gallery, Copenhagen

2001 Fuchs, Rudi & Gachnang, Johannes Karel Appel, Pastorale Chiaroscuro

with texts by Rudi Fuchs (reworked text from 1995), Johannes Gachnang and letter by Jean Frémon, exh. cat. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 2001

2015 Kaiser, Franz-W. & Lemonnier, Anne & Strobl, Andreas Karel Appel. Works on paper

with introduction by Jonas Storsve, exh. cat. Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2015 & Staatliche Sammlung München – Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich

1986 Hunter, Sam Karel Appel: Recent Paintings

exh. cat. Marisa del Re Gallery, New York, 1986

1959 Neuburg, Hans Karel Appel

exh. cat. Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zürich, 1959

1977 Rodriguez, Antonio Karel Appel

with text by Antonio Rodriguez and interview by Alan Hanlon and Richard Graburn (reprint from 1972), exh. cat. Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, 1977 & Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas

1953 Claus, Hugo & Tapié, Michel Karel Appel Palais des Beaux-Arts

exh. cat. Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1953

2001 Hofland, H. J. A. & Josephus-Jitta, Mariette & Kaiser, Franz-W. Karel Appel: Werk op papier

with foreword by Wim van Krimpen and texts by H. J. A. Hofland, Mariette Josephus-Jitta (reworked text from 1982), Franz-W. Kaiser, exh. cat. Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague, 2001

1986 Beeren, Wim & Hunter, Sam Recent Paintings and Sculpture; Clouds, Windmill, Nudes and Other Mythologies

with texts by Wim Beeren, Sam Hunter (reworked text from exh. cat. Marisa del Re, 1986), exh. cat. Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 1986

1959 Tillich, Paul New images of man

with prefatory note by Peter Selz and text by Paul Tillich, exh. cat. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1959

1953 Sweeney, James Johnson Younger European painters

exh. cat. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1953

2001 Steininger, Florian Karel Appel: Der Machtwille der Planeten

exh. cat. Galerie Ulysses, Vienna, 2001

1986 Martin, Rupert & Verdet, André Karel Appel: paintings 1980-85

with foreword by Alan Bowness and texts by Rupert Martin, André Verdet (reprint of interview from 1985), exh. cat. Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, 1986 & Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin

1960 Looten, Emmanuel Karel Appel

exh. cat. Galerie Rive Droite, Paris, 1960

1997 Appel, Karel & McCormick, Carlo Karel Appel: Unintended Monuments

with texts by Karel Appel and Carlo McCormick (reprint from 1990), exh. cat. Galerie Lelong, Zürich, 1997

1965 Dotremont, Christian & Lucebert & Read, Herbert & Schierbeek, Bert & Ting, Walasse & Vinkenoog, Simon Appel

with texts by Christian Dotremont, Lucebert (including reprint from 1950), Herbert Read (excerpt from 1957), Bert Schierbeek, Walasse Ting, Simon Vinkenoog, exh. cat. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam & Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1965 & Städtische Kunstgalerie, Bochum, Germany & Charlottenborg, Copenhagen & Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen, Germany & Moderna Museet, Stockholm

1960 Sawyer, Kenneth B. Karel Appel: Paintings 1955–1960 and Recent Gouaches

exh. cat. Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, 1960

2007 Kaiser, Franz-W. Appels Akte

exh. cat. Karel Appel. Monumentale Zeichnungen, Albertina Museum, Vienna, 2007, with foreword by Klaus Albrecht Schröder; translated from German to English by Andrew Boreham, September 2021 as “Appel’s Nudes”

1995 Karel Appel: Sculpture with introduction by David Anderson and Reine Hauser, exh. cat. Anderson Gallery, Buffalo, 1995 Catalogue
1960 Neuburg, Hans & Ragon, Michel Karel Appel

with texts by Hans Neuburg (preprint from 1959), Michel Ragon (reprint from 1958), exh. cat. Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy, 1960

1986 Raynor, Vivien Karel Appel paintings on show New York Times March 28, 1986 Article
1991 Medina, Raquel Retrospectiva de Karel Appel en la Fundació Miró Diario de Tarragona October 31, 1991 Article
1960 Alvard, Julien De l'anarchie considérée comme un des beaux arts Art International vol. 4, # 6, 1960 Article
2007 Jacobs, Katrien Het postverkeer tussen Machelen-aan-de-Leie en… Hugo Claus, Roger Raveel. Brieven 1947-1962, Ludion, Antwerpen, 2007, pp. 7-30 Article
1983 Ginsberg, Allen & Mason, Marilynne Karel Appel's Inner Lights

(interview), Northern Lights, Studies in Creativity, University of Maine at Presque Isle, Maine, 1983

1965 Hoffmann, Edith Karel Appel at Amsterdam The Burlington Magazine vol. 107, # 750 (September 1965), pp. 484-482 Article
1986 Martin, Rupert Apocalypse Now. Appel in the eighties Arnolfini Preview # 6 (October 1986), pp. 4-5 Article
1991 Serra, Catalina Karel Appel Pintor El Pais September 27, 1991 Article
1960 Lucebert Drift op Zolder en Vragende Kinderen Museumjournaal (poem), series 5, # 10 (May 1960) Article