Selected bibliography
Year | Author | Title | Source | Details | Type |
2024 | Aalders, Steven | (Fe)Male | exh. cat. Karel Appel. (Fe)Male, Slewe Gallery, Amsterdam, 2024 |
Catalogue | |
2024 | Friedel, Helmut | The essence of landscape | exh. cat. Karel Appel: Toscana, Galleria Poggiali, Florence, 2024 |
Catalogue | |
2024 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Karel Appel in Italy | exh. cat. Karel Appel: Toscana, Galleria Poggiali, Florence, 2024 |
Catalogue | |
2024 | Ebbink, Hans | Een Kwadraat-Blad dat niet verscheen | Rode Haring, nr.12 | Article | |
2023 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Karel Appel: Four Exhibitions | exh. cat. four exhibitions: Paris / New York; Encounter in Spring and what follows; Object Paintings; Late Nudes, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin / London, 2023 |
Catalogue | |
2022 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | [Untitled] | exh. cat. Karel Appel. Het nieuwe werk / The New Work, Christian Ouwens Galerie, Rotterdam, 2022 |
Catalogue | |
2021 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Karel Appel: Rencontre au Printemps | collection cat. UNESCO, Art Collection, selected works/ UNESCO, Collection d’Art, Sélection d’oeuvres, UNESCO, Paris, 2021, pp. 283-284 |
Catalogue | |
2021 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Karel Appel. Eternal Space of Being | exh. leaflet Karel Appel. Eternal Space of Being, Galerie Lelong & Co., Paris, 2021 |
Catalogue | |
2021 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Appel after CoBrA: Collages 1957-1968 | Karel Appel. Collages 1957-1968, published by Jahn und Jahn, Munich |
Monograph | |
2021 | Fuchs, Rudi | Distance Closer / Verte naderbij | exh. cat. Horizon of Tuscany, Slewe Gallery, Amsterdam, 2021 |
Catalogue | |
2021 | Seligmann, Nadine | Mangeur d'annonces: Between a Reveling in Materials and Painting | Karel Appel. Collages 1957-1968, published by Jahn und Jahn, Munich |
Monograph | |
2021 | Fuchs, Rudi | De pop van Appel | De Groene Amsterdammer | September 2, 2021 |
Article |
2021 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Polaroid Series | exh. cat. Karel Appel: Life-Size and larger, Eenwerk Gallery, Amsterdam, 2021 |
Catalogue | |
2021 | Fuchs, Rudi | By Karel Appel, a Work in Fragments | exh. cat. Karel Appel: Life-Size and larger, Eenwerk Gallery, Amsterdam, 2021 |
Catalogue | |
2019 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Karel Appel dans la France glorieuse | exh. cat. Figures et paysages, Almine Rech, Paris, 2019 |
Catalogue | |
2019 | Meulemans, Naomi | VOGEL. Karel Appel (1921-2006) en de mythe van het spontane maken | The Phoebus Foundation, Antwerpen, 2019 |
Monograph | |
2019 | Frishert, Gerard | Monument Woudestein, cultuurhistorische verkenning, deel 7, keramisch tegeltableau City People van Karel Appel |
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam / FRISHERT CEAC CREATIES, 2019 |
Monograph | |
2017 | Kaiser, Franz-W. & Kazarian, Choghakate & Mason, Rainer Michael & Montfort, Anne & Ottmann, Klaus & Schlesser, Thomas & Stoullig, Claire | Karel Appel | with foreword by Fabrice Hergott, exh. cat. Karel Appel. L'art est une fête ! Musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris |
Catalogue | |
2017 | Rio, Marie-Noël | Karel Appel un homme libre | Faites entrer l'infini | # 64, December 2017, pp. 20-39 |
Article |
2016 | Kaiser, Franz-W. & Fuchs, Rudi & Ottmann, Klaus | Karel Appel Retrospectief / Karel Appel Retrospective | exh. cat. Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, 2016 |
Catalogue | |
2016 | Ottmann, Klaus | Karel Appel. A Gesture of Color. Paintings and Sculptures, 1947-2004 | exh. cat. The Phillips Collection, Washington, 2016 |
Catalogue | |
2016 | Kaiser, Franz-W. & Lotz, Rouven | Karel Appel. Der abstrakte Blick | exh. cat. Emil Schumacher Museum Hagen, Germany, 2016 |
Catalogue | |
2016 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Karel Appel. Paintings from Six Decades | with foreword by Gabriele Wimmer & John Sailer, texts by Rudi Fuchs, Donald Kuspit, exh. cat. Galerie Ulysses, Vienna, 2016. |
Catalogue | |
2015 | Smith, Roberta | Cobra Artists Worked With a Passionate Style to Match Their Name | New York Times | October 8, 2015 | Article |
2015 | Gingeras, Alison & Godet, Marie & Laugharn, Fiona | The Avant-Garde Won’t Give Up. Cobra & Its Legacy | exh. cat. Blum & Poe, New York, 2015 |
Catalogue | |
2015 | Kaiser, Franz-W. & Lemonnier, Anne & Strobl, Andreas | Karel Appel. Works on paper | with introduction by Jonas Storsve, exh. cat. Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2015 & Staatliche Sammlung München – Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich |
Catalogue | |
2015 | Crochet, Alexander | Karel Appel s’effeuille au Centre Pompidou | Le Quotidien de l’Art | (review), # 930, October 27, 2015 | Article |
2015 | Fuchs, Rudi | Esse est percipi. Kijken | De Groene Amsterdammer | July 29, 2015 | Article |
2014 | Gingeras, Alison | Karel Appel | exh. cat. Blum & Poe, New York, 2014 |
Catalogue | |
2014 | Kitnick, Alex | Karel Appel. Blum & Poe | Artforum | vol. 53, # 3 (November 2014), pp. 275-276 | Article |
2013 | Stokvis, Willemijn | Karel Appel. I do not paint, I hit! | exh. cat. Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, Denmark, 2013 |
Catalogue | |
2013 | Lehmann-Brockhaus, Ursula | Karel Appel | Incontro internazionale della ceramica, Albisola, Sommer 1954. Appel, Baj, Corneille, Dangelo, Jorn, Matta in der Werkstatt Mazzotti Giuseppe, Campisano Editore, Rome, 2013, pp. 21-45; 171-180 | Article | |
2012 | Edwards, Jennifer Sudul | Pasadena to Santa Barbara: Selected History of Art in Southern California, 1951 – 1969 | with texts by Jennifer Sudul Edwards et al., exh. cat. Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 2012 |
Catalogue | |
2012 | Bashkoff, Tracey | Art of Another Kind: International Abstraction and the Guggenheim, 1949 - 1960 | with texts by Tracey Bashkoff et al., exh. cat. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 2012 |
Catalogue | |
2012 | Giersbergen, Wilma van | Kunstonderwijs en studenten: 1945-1998 | Rotterdamse meesters. Twee eeuwen kunstacademie in Rotterdam 1773 – 1998, Primavera Pers, Leiden, 2012, pp. 185-200 | Article | |
2011 | Hartog Jager, Hans den & Kuspit, Donald | Karel Appel & Van Gogh | with introduction by Rebecca Nelemans, exh. cat. Vincent van Gogh Huis, Zundert, The Netherlands, 2011 |
Catalogue | |
2011 | Fineberg, Jonathan | Klee and Cobra – A Child’s Play | with texts by Jonathan Fineberg et al., exh. cat. Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern, 2011 |
Catalogue | |
2011 | Kaiser, Franz-W. & Wijnia, Lieke | Parijs. Stad van de moderne kunst | exh. cat. Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague, 2011 |
Catalogue | |
2011 | Goossens, Guido | Monumentale kunst | In opdracht: zestig jaar percentageregeling beeldende kunst bij Rijksgebouwen, SUN, Amsterdam, 2011, pp. 317-321 | Article | |
2010 | Wesseling, Janneke | De Appelwand in het Stedelijk Museum lijkt niet meer geschilderd | NRC Handelsblad | CS en Boeken, September 10, 2010, p. 2 | Article |
2010 | Karel Appel: Paintings from five decades | with text by Karel Appel (reprint from 1977), exh. cat. Galerie Ulysses, Vienna, 2010 | Catalogue | ||
2010 | Berne, Eva van | Samenwerking of werken in opdracht? Naoorlogse projecten van J.J.P. Oud met monumentale kunst van Karel Appel | Kunstlicht | year 31, # ¾ (2010) | Article |
2010 | Bozal, Valeriano | Karel Appel, Le cheval mourant, 1956 | B’09, Bilbao Fine Arts Bulletin | November 2010, pp. 255-300 |
Article |
2010 | Fuchs, Rudi | Fluwelige zachtheid | De Groene Amsterdammer | August 5, 2010, p. 43 | Article |
2010 | Volpato, Elena | Karel Appel | Ten Years and Beyond. The Collection of the Fondazione per l'Arte Moderne e Contemporanea - CRT for Turin and Piedmont, Archive Books, Berlin, 2010, pp. 110-111 | Article | |
2009 | Lyotard, Jean-François | Karel Appel, Un geste de couleur / Karel Appel, A Gesture of Colour | Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2009 | Monograph | |
2009 | Belt, Werner van den & Weitering, Katja | Paris Central. Vrije stad, vrije kunst in de jaren ’50 | with introduction by Jan Hein Sassen and texts by Werner van den Belt, Katja Weitering et al., exh. cat. Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, The Netherlands |
Catalogue | |
2009 | Kuspit, Donald | Titanic Power: Karel Appel in the Tradition of the New | April 2009 (unpublished) | Miscellanious | |
2008 | Cerritelli, Claudio | Karel Appel: Opere 1990–2002 | exh. cat. Galleria Arte 92, Milan, 2008 |
Catalogue | |
2008 | Cariou, André | De Miró à Warhol. La collection Berardo à Paris | with text by André Cariou et al., exh. cat. Musée Luxembourg, Paris, 2008 |
Catalogue |