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Year Author Title Source Details Type
2024 Aalders, Steven (Fe)Male

exh. cat. Karel Appel. (Fe)Male, Slewe Gallery, Amsterdam, 2024

2024 Friedel, Helmut The essence of landscape

exh. cat. Karel Appel: Toscana, Galleria Poggiali, Florence, 2024

2024 Kaiser, Franz-W. Karel Appel in Italy

exh. cat. Karel Appel: Toscana, Galleria Poggiali, Florence, 2024

2023 Kaiser, Franz-W. Karel Appel: Four Exhibitions

exh. cat. four exhibitions: Paris / New York; Encounter in Spring and what follows; Object Paintings; Late Nudes, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin / London, 2023

2022 Kaiser, Franz-W. [Untitled]

exh. cat. Karel Appel. Het nieuwe werk / The New Work, Christian Ouwens Galerie, Rotterdam, 2022

2021 Kaiser, Franz-W. Karel Appel: Rencontre au Printemps

collection cat. UNESCO, Art Collection, selected works/ UNESCO, Collection d’Art, Sélection d’oeuvres, UNESCO, Paris, 2021, pp. 283-284

2021 Kaiser, Franz-W. Karel Appel. Eternal Space of Being

exh. leaflet Karel Appel. Eternal Space of Being, Galerie Lelong & Co., Paris, 2021

2021 Kaiser, Franz-W. Appel after CoBrA: Collages 1957-1968

Karel Appel. Collages 1957-1968, published by Jahn und Jahn, Munich

2021 Fuchs, Rudi Distance Closer / Verte naderbij

exh. cat. Horizon of Tuscany, Slewe Gallery, Amsterdam, 2021

2021 Seligmann, Nadine Mangeur d'annonces: Between a Reveling in Materials and Painting

Karel Appel. Collages 1957-1968, published by Jahn und Jahn, Munich

2021 Fuchs, Rudi De pop van Appel De Groene Amsterdammer

September 2, 2021

2021 Kaiser, Franz-W. Polaroid Series

exh. cat. Karel Appel: Life-Size and larger, Eenwerk Gallery, Amsterdam, 2021

2021 Fuchs, Rudi By Karel Appel, a Work in Fragments

exh. cat. Karel Appel: Life-Size and larger, Eenwerk Gallery, Amsterdam, 2021

2019 Frishert, Gerard Monument Woudestein, cultuurhistorische verkenning, deel 7, keramisch tegeltableau City People van Karel Appel

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam / FRISHERT CEAC CREATIES, 2019

2019 Kaiser, Franz-W. Karel Appel dans la France glorieuse

exh. cat. Figures et paysages, Almine Rech, Paris, 2019

2019 Meulemans, Naomi VOGEL. Karel Appel (1921-2006) en de mythe van het spontane maken

The Phoebus Foundation, Antwerpen, 2019

2017 Kaiser, Franz-W. & Kazarian, Choghakate & Mason, Rainer Michael & Montfort, Anne & Ottmann, Klaus & Schlesser, Thomas & Stoullig, Claire Karel Appel

with foreword by Fabrice Hergott, exh. cat. Karel Appel. L'art est une fête ! Musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris

2017 Rio, Marie-Noël Karel Appel un homme libre Faites entrer l'infini

# 64, December 2017, pp. 20-39

2016 Kaiser, Franz-W. & Fuchs, Rudi & Ottmann, Klaus Karel Appel Retrospectief / Karel Appel Retrospective

exh. cat. Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, 2016

2016 Ottmann, Klaus Karel Appel. A Gesture of Color. Paintings and Sculptures, 1947-2004

exh. cat. The Phillips Collection, Washington, 2016

2016 Kaiser, Franz-W. & Lotz, Rouven Karel Appel. Der abstrakte Blick

exh. cat. Emil Schumacher Museum Hagen, Germany, 2016

2016 Kaiser, Franz-W. Karel Appel. Paintings from Six Decades

with foreword by Gabriele Wimmer & John Sailer, texts by Rudi Fuchs, Donald Kuspit, exh. cat. Galerie Ulysses, Vienna, 2016.

2015 Fuchs, Rudi Esse est percipi. Kijken De Groene Amsterdammer July 29, 2015 Article
2015 Smith, Roberta Cobra Artists Worked With a Passionate Style to Match Their Name New York Times October 8, 2015 Article
2015 Gingeras, Alison & Godet, Marie & Laugharn, Fiona The Avant-Garde Won’t Give Up. Cobra & Its Legacy

exh. cat. Blum & Poe, New York, 2015

2015 Kaiser, Franz-W. & Lemonnier, Anne & Strobl, Andreas Karel Appel. Works on paper

with introduction by Jonas Storsve, exh. cat. Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2015 & Staatliche Sammlung München – Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich

2015 Crochet, Alexander Karel Appel s’effeuille au Centre Pompidou Le Quotidien de l’Art (review), # 930, October 27, 2015 Article
2014 Gingeras, Alison Karel Appel

exh. cat. Blum & Poe, New York, 2014

2014 Kitnick, Alex Karel Appel. Blum & Poe Artforum vol. 53, # 3 (November 2014), pp. 275-276 Article
2013 Stokvis, Willemijn Karel Appel. I do not paint, I hit!

exh. cat. Museum Jorn, Silkeborg, Denmark, 2013

2013 Lehmann-Brockhaus, Ursula Karel Appel Incontro internazionale della ceramica, Albisola, Sommer 1954. Appel, Baj, Corneille, Dangelo, Jorn, Matta in der Werkstatt Mazzotti Giuseppe, Campisano Editore, Rome, 2013, pp. 21-45; 171-180 Article
2012 Edwards, Jennifer Sudul Pasadena to Santa Barbara: Selected History of Art in Southern California, 1951 – 1969

with texts by Jennifer Sudul Edwards et al., exh. cat. Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 2012

2012 Bashkoff, Tracey Art of Another Kind: International Abstraction and the Guggenheim, 1949 - 1960

with texts by Tracey Bashkoff et al., exh. cat. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 2012

2012 Giersbergen, Wilma van Kunstonderwijs en studenten: 1945-1998 Rotterdamse meesters. Twee eeuwen kunstacademie in Rotterdam 1773 – 1998, Primavera Pers, Leiden, 2012, pp. 185-200 Article
2011 Hartog Jager, Hans den & Kuspit, Donald Karel Appel & Van Gogh

with introduction by Rebecca Nelemans, exh. cat. Vincent van Gogh Huis, Zundert, The Netherlands, 2011

2011 Fineberg, Jonathan Klee and Cobra – A Child’s Play

with texts by Jonathan Fineberg et al., exh. cat. Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern, 2011

2011 Kaiser, Franz-W. & Wijnia, Lieke Parijs. Stad van de moderne kunst

exh. cat. Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague, 2011

2011 Goossens, Guido Monumentale kunst In opdracht: zestig jaar percentageregeling beeldende kunst bij Rijksgebouwen, SUN, Amsterdam, 2011, pp. 317-321 Article
2010 Volpato, Elena Karel Appel Ten Years and Beyond. The Collection of the Fondazione per l'Arte Moderne e Contemporanea - CRT for Turin and Piedmont, Archive Books, Berlin, 2010, pp. 110-111 Article
2010 Wesseling, Janneke De Appelwand in het Stedelijk Museum lijkt niet meer geschilderd NRC Handelsblad CS en Boeken, September 10, 2010, p. 2 Article
2010 Karel Appel: Paintings from five decades with text by Karel Appel (reprint from 1977), exh. cat. Galerie Ulysses, Vienna, 2010 Catalogue
2010 Berne, Eva van Samenwerking of werken in opdracht? Naoorlogse projecten van J.J.P. Oud met monumentale kunst van Karel Appel Kunstlicht year 31, # ¾ (2010) Article
2010 Bozal, Valeriano Karel Appel, Le cheval mourant, 1956 B’09, Bilbao Fine Arts Bulletin

November 2010, pp. 255-300

2010 Fuchs, Rudi Fluwelige zachtheid De Groene Amsterdammer August 5, 2010, p. 43 Article
2009 Lyotard, Jean-François Karel Appel, Un geste de couleur / Karel Appel, A Gesture of Colour Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2009 Monograph
2009 Belt, Werner van den & Weitering, Katja Paris Central. Vrije stad, vrije kunst in de jaren ’50

with introduction by Jan Hein Sassen and texts by Werner van den Belt, Katja Weitering et al., exh. cat. Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, The Netherlands

2009 Kuspit, Donald Titanic Power: Karel Appel in the Tradition of the New April 2009 (unpublished) Miscellanious
2008 Sassen, Jan Hein Karel Appel. Jazz 1958 – 1962

with foreword by John Vrieze, exh. cat. Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, The Netherlands, 2008

2008 Cerritelli, Claudio Karel Appel: Opere 1990–2002

exh. cat. Galleria Arte 92, Milan, 2008

2008 Cariou, André De Miró à Warhol. La collection Berardo à Paris

with text by André Cariou et al., exh. cat. Musée Luxembourg, Paris, 2008
