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Year Author Title Source Details Type
1995 Steiner, Bertram Karl Geschöpft aus der Ursuppe der Avantgarde Kärntner Tageszeitung November 29, 1995 Article
1995 Grunberg, Arnon In gesprek met Karel Appel VPRO Gids (interview), # 15, April 15, 1995 Article
1995 Fuchs, Rudi Interview with Karel Appel (radio broadcast for VPRO “De Avonden”), February 23, 1995 Miscellanious
1995 Hess, Ewa Ich erfinde die Welt... Berner Zeitung (interview), October 14, 1995 Article
1994 Appel, Karel & Claus, Hugo & Fuchs, Rudi & Hunter, Sam & McCormick, Carlo Karel Appel Retrospective

with texts by Karel Appel (reprint from 1971), Hugo Claus (reprint from 1962), Rudi Fuchs (reprint from 1990), Sam Hunter (reworked text from 1986), Carlo McCormick (reprint from 1990), exh. cat. The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, 1994

1994 Teh-Yu Wang, David A Retrospective of Karel Appel

with preface by Tsai-Lang Huan and introduction by Rudi Fuchs, exh. cat. Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan, 1994

1994 Arian, Max Liefde voor al wat rauw is De Groene Amsterdammer (interview), # 46, November 16, 1994 Article
1994 Caprile, Luciano Il Bello e la Bestia Arte (winter 1994) Article
1994 Hoogendijk, Ferry Karel Appel: 'Ik heb Van Gogh in Mondriaan ontdekt' Art and Value (interview) year 2, # 2 (summer 1994) Article
1994 Klaster, Jan Bart Kippen, koeien en dansers Het Parool October 3, 1994 Article
1994 Melikian, Souren Contemporary Arts: Back to 1980s? International Herald Tribune October 29-30, 1994, p. 10 Article
1994 Miller, Richard Christian Karel Appel Cobra, Nouvelles Editions Francaises, Paris, 1994, pp. 134-136 Article
1994 Kaiser, Franz-W. A Description of an Artistic Position (speech at Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan), September 18, 1994 (unpublished) Miscellanious
1994 Kuspit, Donald Karel Appel Sculpture. A Catalogue Raisonné H. N. Abrams, New York, 1994 Monograph
1993 Kuspit, Donald Singing Donkeys: Nieuwe beelden van Karel Appel

with foreword by Rudi Fuchs, exh. cat. Museum Paleis Lange Voorhout, The Hague, 1993

1993 Bakker, Jan-Hendrik Karel Appel. Ik ben 72 en begin helemaal opnieuw Haagsche Courant February 16, 1993 Article
1993 Dannatt, Adrian Karel Appel at André Emmerich Gallery ARTnews (review), vol. 92, # 3 (March 1993) Article
1993 Houts, Cathérine van Appel: ik twijfel tot de laatste lik Het Parool February 16, 1993 Article
1993 Kuspit, Donald Karel Appel at André Emmerich Gallery Artforum International (review) # 6 (February 1993), p. 96 Article
1993 Vrijman, Jan Joop Colson, bohémien en regent Groeneveld, herinneringen aan een landhuis in Baarn. 1946-1961, Hermen Molendijk Stichting / Centrum Beeldende Kunst Amersfoort, 1993 Article
1992 Wilson, Sarah Parallel Visions. Modern Artists and Outsider Art

with texts by Sarah Wilson et al., exh. cat. Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1992 & Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid & Kunsthalle Basel & Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo

1992 Armengaud, Françoise Alors naît l'Animal Bestiaire CoBrA Edition la Difference, Paris, series «Mobile Matière», 1992, pp. 105-151 Article
1992 Cotter, Holland Karel Appel New York Times review, December 25, 1992 Article
1992 Erkel, Ronald van The Intuitive Logistics of Karel Appel Nedlloyd World (autumn 1992), pp. 28-31 Article
1992 Schug, Albert Die Kunst unseres Jahrhunderts Naumann & Göbel, Cologne, 1992, pp. 153, 212, 296 Article
1992 Thorn-Petit, Liliane Karel Appel (excerpt from interview for RTL Television, Luxembourg), Portraits d’artistes, Editions Serpenoise, Metz, 1992 Article
1991 Spiegel, Olga Karel Appel entre lo grotesco y lo ludico La Vanguardia September 22, 1991 Article
1991 Fuchs, Rudi Karel Appel: Black & White Paintings

exh. cat. Marisa del Re Gallery, New York, 1991

1991 Spiegel, Olga Entrevista a Karel Appel, pintor La Vanguardia (interview) September 27, 1991 Article
1991 Barten, Walter Verftube als raket Financieel Dagblad January 14, 1991 Article
1991 Wingen, Ed Karel Appel heeft het licht gezien Kunstbeeld vol. 15, # 2 (February 1991), pp. 23-26 Article
1991 Blom, Ansuya Einfach Kompliziert Kunst- en Museumjournaal # 5 (February 1991) Article
1991 Bode, Ursula Eine Substanz die Wärme transportiert Süddeutsche Zeitung # 167, July 22, 1991 Article
1991 Borras, Maria Lluïsa La pintura como grito de pasión La Vanguardia October 8, 1991 Article
1991 Bufill, Juan La realidad de Karel Appel ABC October 24, 1991 Article
1991 Depondt, Paul Karel Appel de retour aux Pays-Bas Septentrion year 20, # 1, 1991 Article
1991 Hoffmann, Gabriele Kraft aus der Tube Stuttgarter Zeitung July 3, 1991 Article
1991 Huber, Alfred Rot ist der Schrei nach Freiheit Mannheimer Morgen July 16, 1991 Article
1991 Kaiser, Franz-W Over het zinnelijke in de kunst Forum International # 6 (January - February 1991), pp. 62-67 Article
1991 Kuspit, Donald Karel Appel at the Gemeentemuseum Artforum International (review) (March 1991), p. 145 Article
1991 Lahusen, Margarita Karel Appel, Portrait Emmanuel Looten 1956 Kleine Werkmonographie 78, Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt am Main, 1991 Article
1991 Lambert, Jean-Clarence La voie de la main gauche Le règne Imaginal, part 1 and 2. Éditions Cercle d'Art, Paris, series «Diagonales», 1991, pp. 115-140 (reprint from 1978) Article
1991 Medina, Raquel Retrospectiva de Karel Appel en la Fundació Miró Diario de Tarragona October 31, 1991 Article
1991 Serra, Catalina Karel Appel Pintor El Pais September 27, 1991 Article
1990 Kuspit, Donald Karel Appel's Significance in the History of Expressionism (lecture for the exhibition If I Were a Bird, Gemeente Museum Den Haag, The Hague), 1990 (unpublished) Miscellanious
1990 Hagenberg, Ronald (ed.) Karel Appel The Complete Sculptures with texts by Alan Jones, Donald Kuspit, Carlo McCormick, Edition Lafayette, New York, 1990 Monograph
1990 Appel, Karel & Claus, Hugo & Fuchs, Rudi & Hunter, Sam & Lucebert & Kaiser, Franz-W. Ik wou dat Ik een Vogel was (If I were a bird)

with texts by Karel Appel (reprint from 1971), Hugo Claus (reprint from 1962), Rudi Fuchs, Sam Hunter (reprint from 1986), Lucebert (reprints from 1960 and 1965), Franz-W. Kaiser, exh. cat. Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague, 1990 & Josef Haubrich Kunsthalle, Cologne & Fundació Juan Miró, Barcelona

1990 Berends, Lambiek On the publishing of -De Kleurige Onbekende- Het Parool December 22, 1990 Article
1990 Ellenbroek, Willem Van het aapstadium groei ik naar de mens de Volkskrant December 7, 1990 Article
1990 Fuchs, Rudi The influence of New York on Karel Appel NRC Handelsblad

June 22, 1990
