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1946 Klinkenberg, H Karel Appel Palaestra. Maandblad voor jonge kunstenaars

year 1, # 3 (December 1946), p. 17

1948 Lucebert Dagwerk van Dionysos, voor Karel Appel Poem

1948 (unpublished)

1948 Troelstra, Jelle Over Schilderkunst radio broadcast for VARA, Hilversum

Artistieke Staalkaart,  March 12, 1949

1949 Cobra: organe du front international des artistes expérimentaux d'avant-garde, # 4

edition: Experimentele Groep in Holland, used as exh. cat. for Exposition Internationale d’Art Expérimental, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1949

1949 Voskuil, J.J. Een omstreden wandschildering Kroniek van Kunst en Kultuur

year 10, # 6 (June 1949)

1950 Dotremont, Christian Appel Bibliothèque de CoBrA, series «d'Arts Plastiques»

Ejnar Munksgaard, Copenhagen (1950)

1950 Dotremont, Christian L’affaire Appel Le petit cobra, # 3

Brussels (spring 1950)

1951 Cobra, Revue international de l’art experimental

# 10 (autumn 1951), used as exh. cat. for IIe Exposition

1951 Internationale d’ Art Experimental

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Liège, Belgium, 1951

1951 Ragon, Michel Expression et Non-Figuration. Problemes et Tendances de l'Art d'Aujourd'hui Edition de la Revue Neuf Article
1952 Jaffé, H.C.L. Fifty years of Dutch Painting The Studio

vol. 143, # 710 (May 1952), pp. 129-135

1952 Tapié, Michel Un Art Autre Gabriel-Giraud et Fils

Paris, 1952

1953 Claus, Hugo & Tapié, Michel Karel Appel Palais des Beaux-Arts

exh. cat. Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1953

1953 Sweeney, James Johnson Younger European painters

exh. cat. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1953

1953 Bowles, Paul Paris! City of the Arts Holiday (April 1953), pp. 111–121 Article
1953 Claus, Hugo Ontmoeting met Karel Appel Het Laatste Nieuws (interview), Het Laatste Nieuws, November 4, 1953 Article
1953 Fitzsimmons, James New York: A Glittering Constellation. Introducing 33 Younger European Painters ART Digest

December 1, 1953, pp. 7-8; 25-26

1954 Doelman, Cornelis Olanda

exh. cat. Biennale di Venezia XXVII, 1954

1954 Tapié, Michel Appel

exh. cat. Studio Paul Fachetti, Paris, 1954

1954 Tapié, Michel Karel Appel: First American Exhibition

with text by Michel Tapié (reprint from exh. cat. Studio Paul Fachetti, 1954), exh. cat. Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, 1954

1954 Alvard, Julien Vous êtes libres Cimaise

series 1, # 8 (July - August 1954)

1954 Tapié, Michel Devenir d’un art autre United States Lines Paris Review (June 1954) Article
1955 Tapié, Michel Karel Appel

with poems by Emmanuel Looten, Hugo Claus, exh. cat. Galerie Rive Droite, Paris & Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam 1955

1955 Vrijman, Jan Appel rolt ver van de stam: Portret van Karel Appel Vrij Nederland

January 29, 1955, p. 3

1956 Tominaga, S An Artistic Assertion on Karel Appel Mizue. A monthly review of fine arts

# 616 (November 1956), pp. 3-7

1956 Looten, Emmanuel Karel Appel: Portraits

exh. cat. Galerie Rive Droite, Paris, 1956

1956 Doelman, Cornelis & Sandberg, Willem K. Appel: Dipinti e ceramiche

with texts by Cornelis Doelman (excerpt from 1954), Willem Sandberg, exh. cat. Galleria dell'Ariete, Milan, 1956

1956 Coates, R.M Art Galleries: Exhibition at Jackson Gallery The New Yorker May 5, 1956 Article
1956 Tapié, Michel Esthétique en devenir Dau al set Barcelona, 1956 Article
1957 Dotremont, Christian & Read, Herbert Paintings: Karel Appel

with introduction by Christian Dotremont and preface by Herbert Read, exh. cat. Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 1957

1957 Moreni, Mattia Appel

exh. cat. Galerie Stadler, Paris, 1957

1957 Sandberg, Willem Appel

with text by Willem Sandberg (reprint from 1956), exh. cat. Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome, 1957

1957 Read, Herbert Appel: New paintings

with preface by Herbert Read (reprint from exh. cat. Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 1957), exh. cat. Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, 1957

1957 Doelman, Cornelis Karel Appel. L'aventure de la sensation extasiée Quadrum. Revue internationale d’art moderne

# 3, 1957, pp. 41-48

1957 George, Waldemar Karel Appel: Le Hollandais volant Prisme des Arts # 15 (1957-58), pp.41-43 Article
1957 Rouve, Pierre Of Appel and Tradition Art News and Review (April 1957) Article
1958 Ragon, Michel Appel: Gouaches et céramiques

exh. cat. Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris, 1958

1958 Sandberg, Willem Karel Appel

exh. cat. Galerie Änne Abels, Cologne, 1958

1958 Alloway, Lawrence London Exhibitions Art International vol. 2, # 8 (November 1958) Article
1958 Burrey, Suzanne Karel Appel. Dutch Muralist Architectural Record vol. 123 (January 1958) Article
1958 Jaffé, H.C.L. Rencontre au printemps de Karel Appel Quadrum Les arts plastiques au nouveau siège de l'Unesco, a special issue of Quadrum, # 6, 1958 Article
1958 Vinkenoog, Simon Omstreden verschijnsel: Karel Appel uit de doeken Haagse Post January 18, 1958, pp. 13-15 Article
1959 Neuburg, Hans Karel Appel

exh. cat. Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zürich, 1959

1959 Tillich, Paul New images of man

with prefatory note by Peter Selz and text by Paul Tillich, exh. cat. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1959

1959 Marinotti, Paolo Dipingere coi tessuti

exh. cat. Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 1959

1959 Marinotti, Paolo & Michaux, Henri & Sandberg, Willem Vitalità nell'Arte

exh. cat. Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 1959 & Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen, Germany & Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

1960 Looten, Emmanuel Karel Appel

exh. cat. Galerie Rive Droite, Paris, 1960

1960 Sawyer, Kenneth B. Karel Appel: Paintings 1955–1960 and Recent Gouaches

exh. cat. Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, 1960

1960 Neuburg, Hans & Ragon, Michel Karel Appel

with texts by Hans Neuburg (preprint from 1959), Michel Ragon (reprint from 1958), exh. cat. Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy, 1960

1960 Alvard, Julien De l'anarchie considérée comme un des beaux arts Art International vol. 4, # 6, 1960 Article