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Year Author Sort descending Title Source Details Type
2010 Berne, Eva van Samenwerking of werken in opdracht? Naoorlogse projecten van J.J.P. Oud met monumentale kunst van Karel Appel Kunstlicht year 31, # ¾ (2010) Article
1973 Bibeb Karel Appel: Mijn LSD is m’n verf Vrij Nederland December 22, 1973 Article
1991 Blom, Ansuya Einfach Kompliziert Kunst- en Museumjournaal # 5 (February 1991) Article
1991 Bode, Ursula Eine Substanz die Wärme transportiert Süddeutsche Zeitung # 167, July 22, 1991 Article
1998 Bonito Oliva, Achille Karel Appel

exh. cat. Atelier del Bosco di Villa Medici, Rome, 1998

1984 Bordaz, Jean-Pierre Interview with Karel Appel Flash Art, French edition # 3 (spring 1984) Article
1969 Borras, Maria Lluïsa Piet Mondrian, eremita en Nueva York y Karel Appel o el vertigo de vivir Destino March 15, 1969 Article
1991 Borras, Maria Lluïsa La pintura como grito de pasión La Vanguardia October 8, 1991 Article
1961 Boudaille, George K. Appel

with text by George Boudaille (reprint from Cimaise, 1961), exh. cat. Galleria dell 'Ariete, Milan, 1961

1961 Boudaille, George Appel Cimaise series VIII, # 3 (September - October 1961) Article
1961 Boudaille, George Une nouvelle figuration? Karel Appel ouvre la voie d’un expressionnisme nouveau Les Lettres Françaises

# 948, 2 – 18 October 1962

1953 Bowles, Paul Paris! City of the Arts Holiday (April 1953), pp. 111–121 Article
2010 Bozal, Valeriano Karel Appel, Le cheval mourant, 1956 B’09, Bilbao Fine Arts Bulletin

November 2010, pp. 255-300

2004 Braet, Jan Het paradijs is nu Knack

(interview with Rudi Fuchs and Karel Appel), # 41, October 6, 2004, pp. 124–128

2000 Brouwer, Aart Nationale wildeman. Profiel: Karel Appel De Groene Amsterdammer September 16, 2000 Article
2002 Brugger, Ingried & Fuchs, Rudi & Kaiser, Franz-W. & Steininger, Florian Karel Appel

with texts by Ingried Brugger, Rudi Fuchs, Franz-W. Kaiser (reprint from 2001), Florian Steininger, exh. cat. Kunstforum Wien, Vienna, 2002

1991 Bufill, Juan La realidad de Karel Appel ABC October 24, 1991 Article
2006 Burnstock, Aviva “An Investigation of Water-Sensitive Oil Paints in Twentieth-Century Paintings Modern Paints Uncovered

London, Tate Modern, 2006, pp. 177-187

1958 Burrey, Suzanne Karel Appel. Dutch Muralist Architectural Record vol. 123 (January 1958) Article
1988 Cabanne, Pierre Karel Appel. Haute tension Elle # 2238, November 28, 1988 Article
2004 Camps, Hugo Hugo Camps in gesprek met schilder Karel Appel Elsevier (interview), # 44, October 30, 2004, pp. 42-44 Article
1987 Caprile, Luciano I Maestri di oggi Arte # 175 (June 1987) Article
1994 Caprile, Luciano Il Bello e la Bestia Arte (winter 1994) Article
2008 Cariou, André De Miró à Warhol. La collection Berardo à Paris

with text by André Cariou et al., exh. cat. Musée Luxembourg, Paris, 2008

2008 Cerritelli, Claudio Karel Appel: Opere 1990–2002

exh. cat. Galleria Arte 92, Milan, 2008

1964 Citroen, Paul Appel or Citroen Delta. A Review of Arts Life and Thought in the Netherlands

# 1 (spring 1964), pp. 13-23

1962 Claus, Hugo Karel Appel Painter

with foreword by Herbert Read, text by Hugo Claus, poem by Lucebert (reprint from 1960) and by Willem Sandberg, A. J. G. Strengholt, Amsterdam, 1962

1980 Claus, Hugo Ontmoetingen met Corneille en Karel Appel

with introduction by Erik Slagter and text by Hugo Claus (reprint from 1953), Elsevier Manteau, Antwerpen/Amsterdam, 1980

1964 Claus, Hugo Karel Appel Schilder

with foreword by Herbert Read, texts by Hugo Claus and poem by Lucebert (reprint from 1960), A.J.G. Strengholt, Mammoet Reeks # 25, Amsterdam, 1964

1953 Claus, Hugo Ontmoeting met Karel Appel Het Laatste Nieuws (interview), Het Laatste Nieuws, November 4, 1953 Article
1965 Claus, Hugo Mélancolie et Fureur d'Appel XXième Siècle

# 25 (June 1965), pp. 105-106

1987 Claus, Hugo & Dotremont, Christian & Lambert, Jean-Clarence & Looten, Emmanuel & Lucebert & Tapíe, Michel & Towarnicki, Frédéric, de Karel Appel 40 Ans de Peinture, Sculpture & Dessin

with multiple texts/reprints by Hugo Claus, Christian Dotremont, Jeanc-Clarence Lambert, Emmanuel Looten, Lucebert, Michel Tapié, Frédéric de Towarnicki and many others, Éditions Galilée, Paris, 1987

1953 Claus, Hugo & Tapié, Michel Karel Appel Palais des Beaux-Arts

exh. cat. Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1953

1956 Coates, R.M Art Galleries: Exhibition at Jackson Gallery The New Yorker May 5, 1956 Article
1992 Cotter, Holland Karel Appel New York Times review, December 25, 1992 Article
1981 Coutinho, Wilson A pintura de um tigre dentro da jaula Jornal do Brasil

September 15, 1981

2015 Crochet, Alexander Karel Appel s’effeuille au Centre Pompidou Le Quotidien de l’Art (review), # 930, October 27, 2015 Article
1983 Dagen, Philippe Karel Appel Le Gustidien de Paris

(review), # 1268, December 22, 1983

1997 Daix, Pierre Karel Appel. L'Art psychopathologique Les Arts et les Gens (radio broadcast for France Culture, Paris), September 1, 1997 Miscellanious
1985 Dank, Ralf Aus dem Chaos wächst das Bild Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (interview), # 229/20, October 3, 1985, p. 20 Article
1993 Dannatt, Adrian Karel Appel at André Emmerich Gallery ARTnews (review), vol. 92, # 3 (March 1993) Article
2002 Daum, Pierre Je puisse mes images dans l’infinie richesse que m’offre la matière La liberation October 26/27, 2002, pp. 40-41 Article
1987 Debailleux, H.F. Tout le monde est endormi... La Liberation (interview), August 11, 1987, p. 24 Article
1991 Depondt, Paul Karel Appel de retour aux Pays-Bas Septentrion year 20, # 1, 1991 Article
1987 Dobbels, Daniel Karel Appel du vide La Liberation August 11, 1987, p. 24 Article
1957 Doelman, Cornelis Karel Appel. L'aventure de la sensation extasiée Quadrum. Revue internationale d’art moderne

# 3, 1957, pp. 41-48

1954 Doelman, Cornelis Olanda

exh. cat. Biennale di Venezia XXVII, 1954

1956 Doelman, Cornelis & Sandberg, Willem K. Appel: Dipinti e ceramiche

with texts by Cornelis Doelman (excerpt from 1954), Willem Sandberg, exh. cat. Galleria dell'Ariete, Milan, 1956

2007 Donkers, Jan Liever een Karel Appel Museum Het Parool February 14, 2007 Article
1950 Dotremont, Christian Appel Bibliothèque de CoBrA, series «d'Arts Plastiques»

Ejnar Munksgaard, Copenhagen (1950)
