Selected bibliography
Year | Author | Title | Source Sort descending | Details | Type |
1964 | Read, Herbert | Appel | exh. cat. American Art Gallery, Copenhagen |
Catalogue | |
2008 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Karel Appel – tekenaar | August 2008 (unpublished) | Miscellanious | |
2004 | Kuspit, Donald | The decline of the cult of the unconscious: running on empty | The End of Art, Camebridge, 2004, pp. 89-142 | Article | |
1982 | Josephus-Jitta, Mariette | Karel Appel: Werk op papier 1941 – 1981, tekeningen, aquarellen, gouaches | with text by Mariette Josephus-Jitta, exh. cat. Gemeente Museum Den Haag, The Hague, 1982 & Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, Germany & Städtische Galerie, Erlangen, Germany & Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands & Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm & Musee des Augustins, Toulouse & Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen & Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo |
Catalogue | |
1959 | Marinotti, Paolo & Michaux, Henri & Sandberg, Willem | Vitalità nell'Arte | exh. cat. Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 1959 & Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen, Germany & Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam |
Catalogue | |
1977 | Wingen, Ed | Het Gezicht van Appel | Van Spijk, Venlo, 1977 | Monograph | |
2017 | Kaiser, Franz-W. & Kazarian, Choghakate & Mason, Rainer Michael & Montfort, Anne & Ottmann, Klaus & Schlesser, Thomas & Stoullig, Claire | Karel Appel | with foreword by Fabrice Hergott, exh. cat. Karel Appel. L'art est une fête ! Musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris |
Catalogue | |
2000 | Houts, Cathérine van | Karel Appel. De Biografie | Uitgeverij Contact, Amsterdam, 2000 | Monograph | |
1985 | Flomenhaft, Eleanor | Karel Appel | The Roots and Developments of Cobra Art, Fine Arts Museum of Long Island, Hempstead, 1985, pp. 73-91 | Article | |
2008 | Stokvis, Willemijn | Cobra 1948 - 1951. Terug naar de bronnen van kunst en leven | Waanders, Zwolle, 2008 | Miscellanious | |
1982 | Béraud, Gilles & Besson, Christian & Dotremont, Christian & Lecombre, Sylvain | CoBrA, 1948-1951 | exh. cat. Museé d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris & Maison de la Culture, Chalon-sur-Saône, France & Museé des Beaux-Arts, Rennes, France |
Catalogue | |
1959 | Neuburg, Hans | Karel Appel | exh. cat. Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zürich, 1959 |
Catalogue | |
1977 | Rodriguez, Antonio | Karel Appel | with text by Antonio Rodriguez and interview by Alan Hanlon and Richard Graburn (reprint from 1972), exh. cat. Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, 1977 & Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas |
Catalogue | |
2000 | Fuchs, Rudi & Dosogne, Ludo | Karel Appel | with text by Rudi Fuchs (reprint from 1996) and interview by Ludo Dosogne, exh. cat. Galerie Kusseneers, Lier, Belgium |
Catalogue | |
1953 | Sweeney, James Johnson | Younger European painters | exh. cat. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1953 |
Catalogue | |
2009 | Lyotard, Jean-François | Karel Appel, Un geste de couleur / Karel Appel, A Gesture of Colour | Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2009 | Monograph | |
2004 | Pietrzak, Brigitte & Villemur, Frédérique | L’Expérience matiériste | Paul Facchetti: Le studio. Art informel at abstraction Lyrique, Actes Sud, Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône), 2004, pp. 56-85 |
Article | |
1959 | Tillich, Paul | New images of man | with prefatory note by Peter Selz and text by Paul Tillich, exh. cat. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1959 |
Catalogue | |
2019 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Karel Appel dans la France glorieuse | exh. cat. Figures et paysages, Almine Rech, Paris, 2019 |
Catalogue | |
2000 | Kaiser, Franz-W. | Karel Appel: Recente sculpturen & gedichten | with text by Franz-W. Kaiser (reprint from 1998), exh. cat. Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Ghent, Belgium |
Catalogue | |
1986 | Dotremont, Christian | De kleurige onbekende | with poems by Karel Appel and text by Christian Dotremont (excerpt of letter from 1967), De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, 1986 |
Monograph | |
1965 | Dotremont, Christian & Lucebert & Read, Herbert & Schierbeek, Bert & Ting, Walasse & Vinkenoog, Simon | Appel | with texts by Christian Dotremont, Lucebert (including reprint from 1950), Herbert Read (excerpt from 1957), Bert Schierbeek, Walasse Ting, Simon Vinkenoog, exh. cat. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam & Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1965 & Städtische Kunstgalerie, Bochum, Germany & Charlottenborg, Copenhagen & Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen, Germany & Moderna Museet, Stockholm |
Catalogue | |
2009 | Belt, Werner van den & Weitering, Katja | Paris Central. Vrije stad, vrije kunst in de jaren ’50 | with introduction by Jan Hein Sassen and texts by Werner van den Belt, Katja Weitering et al., exh. cat. Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, The Netherlands |
Catalogue | |
2004 | Kuspit, Donald | Karel Appel: Mad Artist | (lecture at the Dutch Embassy in Washington), April 27, 2004 (unpublished) | Miscellanious | |
1960 | Looten, Emmanuel | Karel Appel | exh. cat. Galerie Rive Droite, Paris, 1960 |
Catalogue | |
1977 | Jespersen, Gunnar | Karel Appel, Cobra | Gyldendal, Copenhagen, 1974, pp. 129-132 | Article | |
2019 | Meulemans, Naomi | VOGEL. Karel Appel (1921-2006) en de mythe van het spontane maken | The Phoebus Foundation, Antwerpen, 2019 |
Monograph | |
1986 | Hunter, Sam | Karel Appel: Recent Paintings | exh. cat. Marisa del Re Gallery, New York, 1986 |
Catalogue | |
2009 | Kuspit, Donald | Titanic Power: Karel Appel in the Tradition of the New | April 2009 (unpublished) | Miscellanious | |
1995 | Fuchs, Rudi | Interview with Karel Appel | (radio broadcast for VPRO “De Avonden”), February 23, 1995 | Miscellanious | |
2004 | Roodenburg-Schadd, Caroline | Expressie en ordening. Het verzamelbeleid van Willem Sandberg voor het Stedelijk Museum 1945-1962 | NAi Uitgevers, Rotterdam, 2004 | Miscellanious | |
1960 | Sawyer, Kenneth B. | Karel Appel: Paintings 1955–1960 and Recent Gouaches | exh. cat. Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, 1960 |
Catalogue | |
2021 | Fuchs, Rudi | Distance Closer / Verte naderbij | exh. cat. Horizon of Tuscany, Slewe Gallery, Amsterdam, 2021 |
Catalogue | |
1993 | Vrijman, Jan | Joop Colson, bohémien en regent | Groeneveld, herinneringen aan een landhuis in Baarn. 1946-1961, Hermen Molendijk Stichting / Centrum Beeldende Kunst Amersfoort, 1993 | Article | |
1986 | Beeren, Wim & Hunter, Sam | Recent Paintings and Sculpture; Clouds, Windmill, Nudes and Other Mythologies | with texts by Wim Beeren, Sam Hunter (reworked text from exh. cat. Marisa del Re, 1986), exh. cat. Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 1986 |
Catalogue | |
1965 | Geirlandt, Karel | Karel Appel: Vliegende Man, 1958 | Openbaar kunstbezit Vlaanderen, 1965 | Article | |
2010 | Karel Appel: Paintings from five decades | with text by Karel Appel (reprint from 1977), exh. cat. Galerie Ulysses, Vienna, 2010 | Catalogue | ||
1996 | Appel, Karel | Ode aan het Rood | Uitgeverij Contact, Amsterdam, 1996 | Monograph | |
2005 | Fuchs, Rudi | Karel Appel. Opere 1991 – 2002 | exh. cat. Galleria Arte 92, Milan, 2005 |
Catalogue | |
1983 | Vree, Freddy de | Karel Appel | Kunstpocket # 16, Kunstforum, Schelderode, Belgium, 1983 | Monograph | |
1960 | Neuburg, Hans & Ragon, Michel | Karel Appel | with texts by Hans Neuburg (preprint from 1959), Michel Ragon (reprint from 1958), exh. cat. Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy, 1960 |
Catalogue | |
2021 | Seligmann, Nadine | Mangeur d'annonces: Between a Reveling in Materials and Painting | Karel Appel. Collages 1957-1968, published by Jahn und Jahn, Munich |
Monograph | |
1994 | Kuspit, Donald | Karel Appel Sculpture. A Catalogue Raisonné | H. N. Abrams, New York, 1994 | Monograph | |
1986 | Martin, Rupert & Verdet, André | Karel Appel: paintings 1980-85 | with foreword by Alan Bowness and texts by Rupert Martin, André Verdet (reprint of interview from 1985), exh. cat. Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, 1986 & Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin |
Catalogue | |
1954 | Doelman, Cornelis | Olanda | exh. cat. Biennale di Venezia XXVII, 1954 |
Catalogue | |
1996 | Fuchs, Rudi | Appel. Figures et paysages | exh. cat. Galerie Lelong, Paris, 1996 |
Catalogue | |
2005 | Fuchs, Rudi & Steininger, Florian | Karel Appel: Retrospective 1945 – 2005 | with texts by Rudi Fuchs (reprints from 1990 and 1995), Florian Steininger (reprint from 2002), exh. cat. Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava, 2005 |
Catalogue | |
1978 | Wingen, Ed | Dreissig Jahre Karel Appel | with text by Ed Wingen (reprint from 1977), exh. cat. Saarland Museum, Saarbrücken, Germany, 1978 & Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn & Kunsthalle, Wilhelmshaven, Germany |
Catalogue | |
1994 | Appel, Karel & Claus, Hugo & Fuchs, Rudi & Hunter, Sam & McCormick, Carlo | Karel Appel Retrospective | with texts by Karel Appel (reprint from 1971), Hugo Claus (reprint from 1962), Rudi Fuchs (reprint from 1990), Sam Hunter (reworked text from 1986), Carlo McCormick (reprint from 1990), exh. cat. The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, 1994 |
Catalogue | |
1991 | Lahusen, Margarita | Karel Appel, Portrait Emmanuel Looten 1956 | Kleine Werkmonographie 78, Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt am Main, 1991 | Article |