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Year Title Location Sort descending Traveling to
1975 Karel Appel Aberbach Fine Art, New York
2007 Karel Appel: Monumentale Aktzeichnungen Albertina, Vienna
2024 Karel Appel Almine Rech at Independent 20th Century, New York
2019 Karel Appel. Figures et paysages Almine Rech, Paris
1964 Appel American Art Gallery, Copenhagen
1995 Karel Appel: Sculpture Anderson Gallery, Buffalo
1984 Karel Appel Annina Nosei Gallery, New York
1986 Karel Appel: Paintings 1980–1985 Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol

 Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin

1977 Karel Appel: The Complete Graphic Collection Art Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario
1979 The Graphic Art of Karel Appel: Art Gallery of Hamilton Collection Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, Ontario

Traveled through Canada.

1998 Karel Appel Atelier del Bosco di Villa Medici, Rome
1996 Karel Appel: Gemälde, Gouachen, Zeichnungen 1950–1965 BAWAG Fondation, Vienna

Galerie Ulysses, Vienna

1999 Karel Appel: Toys from the Attic Bergen Kunstmuseum, Norway

Reykjavík Art Museum; National Gallery of the Faroe Islands, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

1990 Karel Appel: Ik wou dat ik een vogel was. Grote formaten in de Beurs van Berlage Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam
2020 Karel Appel: Out of Nature Blum & Poe, Art Basel Online Viewing Room
2015 Karel Appel Blum & Poe, Frieze Masters London
2018 Karel Appel: Out of Nature Blum & Poe, Los Angeles
2014 Karel Appel Blum & Poe, New York
1982 25 Years on the Road: A Visual Tribute to Kerouac Boulder Center for the Visual Arts, Boulder, Colorado
1987 Karel Appel: Dipinti, sculture e collages Castello di Rivoli, Turin
1970 Appel’s Oogappels Centraal Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands
1968 Karel Appel: Reliefs 1966–68 Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Paris

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels

2022 Karel Appel. Het nieuwe werk / The New Work Christian Ouwens Galerie, Rotterdam
2001 Karel Appel: Beelden 1936–2000 Cobra Museum of Modern Art, Amstelveen, The Netherlands
2008 Karel Appel - Jazz 1958–1962 Cobra Museum, Amstelveen, The Netherlands
1984 Karel Appel: 14 Cobra-werken op papier Collection d'Art, Amsterdam
1976 Karel Appel Collection d’art, Amsterdam
2005 Karel Appel: Retrospective 1945–2005 Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava
1961 Karel Appel. Gouaches and Lithographs David Anderson Gallery, New York
1960 Lithographs by Appel David Anderson Gallery, New York
2023 Karel Appel: Life-Size and larger Eenwerk Gallery at Art Rotterdam
2021 Karel Appel: Life-Size and larger Eenwerk Gallery, Amsterdam
2016 Karel Appel. Der abstrakte Blick Emil Schumacher Museum Hagen, Germany
1990 Karel Appel Fine arts gallery, Visual arts department, UMBC, Baltimore, Maryland
1978 Karel Appel: Peintures et Sculpture Fondation Château de Jau, Cases-de-Pène, France
1996 Karel Appel: Variazioni sul tema Fondazione Ambrosetti Arte Contemporanea, Brescia, Italy
1975 Appel Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo
1977 Prints Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo
1989 Karel Appel in Tokyo: 18 Works on Paper Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo
1963 Karel Appel: Dix Ans de Lithographie 1953 - 1963 Galerie Anderson - Mayer, Paris
1958 Karel Appel Galerie Änne Abels, Cologne
1966 Appel Galerie Ariel, Paris
1988 Karel Appel Galerie Beyeler, Basel
1962 Karel Appel: Collages 1949–1962 Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zurich
1959 Karel Appel Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zurich
1958 Appel: Gouaches et céramiques Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris
1980 Karel Appel Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris
1983 Karel Appel: Oeuvres récentes Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris
1988 Karel Appel: Portraits Galerie de France, Paris
1962 Karel Appel Galerie Der Spiegel, Cologne