Selected solo exhibitions
Year | Title | Location Sort descending | Traveling to |
1975 | Karel Appel | Aberbach Fine Art, New York | |
2007 | Karel Appel: Monumentale Aktzeichnungen | Albertina, Vienna | |
2024 | Karel Appel | Almine Rech at Independent 20th Century, New York | |
2019 | Karel Appel. Figures et paysages | Almine Rech, Paris | |
1964 | Appel | American Art Gallery, Copenhagen | |
1995 | Karel Appel: Sculpture | Anderson Gallery, Buffalo | |
1984 | Karel Appel | Annina Nosei Gallery, New York | |
1986 | Karel Appel: Paintings 1980–1985 | Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol | Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin |
1977 | Karel Appel: The Complete Graphic Collection | Art Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario | |
1979 | The Graphic Art of Karel Appel: Art Gallery of Hamilton Collection | Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, Ontario | Traveled through Canada. |
1998 | Karel Appel | Atelier del Bosco di Villa Medici, Rome | |
1996 | Karel Appel: Gemälde, Gouachen, Zeichnungen 1950–1965 | BAWAG Fondation, Vienna | Galerie Ulysses, Vienna |
1999 | Karel Appel: Toys from the Attic | Bergen Kunstmuseum, Norway | Reykjavík Art Museum; National Gallery of the Faroe Islands, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands |
1990 | Karel Appel: Ik wou dat ik een vogel was. Grote formaten in de Beurs van Berlage | Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam | |
2020 | Karel Appel: Out of Nature | Blum & Poe, Art Basel Online Viewing Room | |
2015 | Karel Appel | Blum & Poe, Frieze Masters London | |
2018 | Karel Appel: Out of Nature | Blum & Poe, Los Angeles | |
2014 | Karel Appel | Blum & Poe, New York | |
1982 | 25 Years on the Road: A Visual Tribute to Kerouac | Boulder Center for the Visual Arts, Boulder, Colorado | |
1987 | Karel Appel: Dipinti, sculture e collages | Castello di Rivoli, Turin | |
1970 | Appel’s Oogappels | Centraal Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands | |
1968 | Karel Appel: Reliefs 1966–68 | Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Paris | Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels |
2022 | Karel Appel. Het nieuwe werk / The New Work | Christian Ouwens Galerie, Rotterdam | |
2001 | Karel Appel: Beelden 1936–2000 | Cobra Museum of Modern Art, Amstelveen, The Netherlands | |
2008 | Karel Appel - Jazz 1958–1962 | Cobra Museum, Amstelveen, The Netherlands | |
1984 | Karel Appel: 14 Cobra-werken op papier | Collection d'Art, Amsterdam | |
1976 | Karel Appel | Collection d’art, Amsterdam | |
2005 | Karel Appel: Retrospective 1945–2005 | Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava | |
1961 | Karel Appel. Gouaches and Lithographs | David Anderson Gallery, New York | |
1960 | Lithographs by Appel | David Anderson Gallery, New York | |
2023 | Karel Appel: Life-Size and larger | Eenwerk Gallery at Art Rotterdam | |
2021 | Karel Appel: Life-Size and larger | Eenwerk Gallery, Amsterdam | |
2016 | Karel Appel. Der abstrakte Blick | Emil Schumacher Museum Hagen, Germany | |
1990 | Karel Appel | Fine arts gallery, Visual arts department, UMBC, Baltimore, Maryland | |
1978 | Karel Appel: Peintures et Sculpture | Fondation Château de Jau, Cases-de-Pène, France | |
1996 | Karel Appel: Variazioni sul tema | Fondazione Ambrosetti Arte Contemporanea, Brescia, Italy | |
1975 | Appel | Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo | |
1977 | Prints | Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo | |
1989 | Karel Appel in Tokyo: 18 Works on Paper | Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo | |
1963 | Karel Appel: Dix Ans de Lithographie 1953 - 1963 | Galerie Anderson - Mayer, Paris | |
1958 | Karel Appel | Galerie Änne Abels, Cologne | |
1966 | Appel | Galerie Ariel, Paris | |
1988 | Karel Appel | Galerie Beyeler, Basel | |
1962 | Karel Appel: Collages 1949–1962 | Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zurich | |
1959 | Karel Appel | Galerie Charles Lienhard, Zurich | |
1958 | Appel: Gouaches et céramiques | Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris | |
1980 | Karel Appel | Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris | |
1983 | Karel Appel: Oeuvres récentes | Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris | |
1988 | Karel Appel: Portraits | Galerie de France, Paris | |
1962 | Karel Appel | Galerie Der Spiegel, Cologne |