Selected bibliography
Year Sort descending | Author | Title | Source | Details | Type |
1960 | Sawyer, Kenneth B. | Karel Appel: Paintings 1955–1960 and Recent Gouaches | exh. cat. Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, 1960 |
Catalogue | |
1960 | Neuburg, Hans & Ragon, Michel | Karel Appel | with texts by Hans Neuburg (preprint from 1959), Michel Ragon (reprint from 1958), exh. cat. Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy, 1960 |
Catalogue | |
1961 | Lucebert | Karel Appel | with text by Lucebert (first publication of text from 1950 and excerpt of poem from 1960), exh. cat. Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands & Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague, 1961 | Catalogue | |
1961 | Sandberg, Willem | Karel Appel: West Coast Exhibiton | exh. cat. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1961 |
Catalogue | |
1961 | Boudaille, George | K. Appel | with text by George Boudaille (reprint from Cimaise, 1961), exh. cat. Galleria dell 'Ariete, Milan, 1961 |
Catalogue | |
1961 | Boudaille, George | Appel | Cimaise | series VIII, # 3 (September - October 1961) | Article |
1961 | Boudaille, George | Une nouvelle figuration? Karel Appel ouvre la voie d’un expressionnisme nouveau | Les Lettres Françaises | # 948, 2 – 18 October 1962 |
Article |
1961 | Lupasco, Stéphane | Appel, peintre de la vie | XXième Siècle | vol. 23, # 17 (December 1961) | Article |
1961 | Oxenaar, R.W.D. | De Ruiter | Openbaar Kunstbezit | p. 28 a, not dated | Article |
1962 | Claus, Hugo | Karel Appel Painter | with foreword by Herbert Read, text by Hugo Claus, poem by Lucebert (reprint from 1960) and by Willem Sandberg, A. J. G. Strengholt, Amsterdam, 1962 |
Monograph | |
1962 | Gribaudo, Ezio & Sandberg, Willem | Le sculture di Karel Appel | with texts by Ezio Gribaudo and Willem Sandberg (reprint of poem from 1962), Edizione d’Arte Fratelli Pozzo, Turin, 1962 |
Monograph | |
1962 | Vrijman, Jan & Sandberg, Willem | De Werkelijkheid van Karel Appel | with texts by Jan Vrijman and Willem Sandberg (reprint from 1961), De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam, 1962 |
Monograph | |
1962 | Lucebert, Oxenaar, R. D. W. & Schierbeek, Bert | Karel Appel | with texts by Lucebert (reprint from 1950), R. W. D. Oxenaar, Bert Schierbeek, exh. cat. Galerie der Spiegel, Cologne, 1962 |
Catalogue | |
1962 | Karel Appel: Sculptures | with poem by Willem Sandberg, exh. cat. Galerie Rive Droite, Paris, 1962 | Catalogue | ||
1962 | Gans, Louis | La Contribution Hollandaise au développement international de l’art depuis 1945 | Vie des Arts: Revue Canadienne Trimestrielle | (autmn 1962), pp. 21-27 | Article |
1962 | Dotremont, Christian | "Cobra" | L'Oeuil. Revue d'art | # 96 (December 1962), pp.56-65 |
Article |
1963 | Gribaudo, Ezio & Sandberg, Willem | The Sculpture of Karel Appel | with texts by Ezio Gribaudo and Willem Sandberg (reprint of poem from 1962), Harry N. Abrams Publishers, New York, 1963 |
Monograph | |
1963 | Vinkenoog, Simon | Het verhaal van Karel Appel. Een Proeve van Waarneming | A.W. Bruna & Zoon, Utrecht, 1963 | Monograph | |
1963 | Schierbeek, Bert | Appel Nudes | exh. cat. Gimpel and Hanover Galerie Zürich, 1963 & Galerie Europe, Paris & Gimpel Fils, London & Martha Jackson Gallery, New York |
Catalogue | |
1963 | Karel Appel: Selezione di dipinti dal 1950 al 1961 | exh. cat. La Medusa, Rome, 1963 | Catalogue | ||
1963 | Elsken, Ed van der | Karel Appel. Ein Bildbericht mit 1 Farbphoto und 8 Schwarzweissaufnahmen | Du | year 23, # 271 (September 1963) |
Article |
1963 | Gans, Louis | De mythe van Karel Appel’s ’anrotzooien’ | Album Discipulorum aangeboden aan Professor Dr J.G. Van Gelder, Haentjes Dekker & Gumbert, Utrecht, February 27, 1963, pp. 179-185 | Article | |
1963 | Gasser, Manuel | Wie man Karel Appel ignoriert | Du | year 23, # 271 (September 1963) |
Article |
1963 | Ragon, Michel | J'ai pris un modèle pour me liberer de l'abstraction | Arts | # 918 (May – June 1963) | Article |
1963 | Staber, Margrit | Die «Nudes» von Karel Appel | Art International | VII, # 8, October 25, 1963, pp. 88-89 | Article |
1964 | Claus, Hugo | Karel Appel Schilder | with foreword by Herbert Read, texts by Hugo Claus and poem by Lucebert (reprint from 1960), A.J.G. Strengholt, Mammoet Reeks # 25, Amsterdam, 1964 |
Monograph | |
1964 | Read, Herbert | Appel | exh. cat. American Art Gallery, Copenhagen |
Catalogue | |
1964 | Citroen, Paul | Appel or Citroen | Delta. A Review of Arts Life and Thought in the Netherlands | # 1 (spring 1964), pp. 13-23 |
Article |
1964 | Lévêque, Jean-Jacques | Venise 1963: actualité de Cobra | XXe Siecle | year 26, # 23 (May 1964) |
Article |
1965 | Hoffmann, Edith | Karel Appel at Amsterdam | The Burlington Magazine | vol. 107, # 750 (September 1965), pp. 484-482 | Article |
1965 | Hoffmann, Hans | Appelboom in Vondelpark | Panorama | year 52, # 14, April 3, 1965, pp. 34-5 | Article |
1965 | Lampe, George | Koloriet in beweging: Appel en het bedreigde paradijs | Vrij Nederland | July 31, 1965 | Article |
1965 | Dotremont, Christian & Lucebert & Read, Herbert & Schierbeek, Bert & Ting, Walasse & Vinkenoog, Simon | Appel | with texts by Christian Dotremont, Lucebert (including reprint from 1950), Herbert Read (excerpt from 1957), Bert Schierbeek, Walasse Ting, Simon Vinkenoog, exh. cat. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam & Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1965 & Städtische Kunstgalerie, Bochum, Germany & Charlottenborg, Copenhagen & Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen, Germany & Moderna Museet, Stockholm |
Catalogue | |
1965 | Claus, Hugo | Mélancolie et Fureur d'Appel | XXième Siècle | # 25 (June 1965), pp. 105-106 |
Article |
1965 | Geirlandt, Karel | Karel Appel: Vliegende Man, 1958 | Openbaar kunstbezit Vlaanderen, 1965 | Article | |
1967 | Sandberg, Willem | Karel Appel | with text by Willem Sandberg (excerpt from 1961), exh. cat. Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, 1967 |
Catalogue | |
1967 | Dotremont, Christian | Lettre à Karel Appel, le 10 mars, 1967 | 1967 (unpublished) | Miscellanious | |
1968 | Bellew, Peter | Karel Appel, Le Grandi Monografie, Pittori d'Oggi | Fratelli Fabri Editori, Milan, 1968 | Monograph | |
1968 | Alvard, Julien & Claus, Hugo & Dotremont, Christian & Looten, Emmanuel & Lupasco, Stéphane & Read, Herbert & Sandberg, Willem & Tapié, Michel | Karel Appel Reliefs 1966-1968 | with texts by Julien Alvard, Hugo Claus (reprint from 1965), Christian Dotremont (reprint from 1957), Emmanuel Looten (reprint from 1956), Stéphane Lupasco (reprint from 1961), Herbert Read (reprint from 1957), Willem Sandberg (reprint from 1962), Michel Tapié (reprint from 1953), exh. cat. Centre National d'Art Contemporain Paris, 1968 & Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam & Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels |
Catalogue | |
1968 | Ashton, Dore | Cobra in Context | Arts magazine | (February 1968), pp. 106-109 |
Article |
1968 | Dull, Ben | Daden en woorden van Karel Appel | Het Parool | (interview), November 15, 1968 |
Article |
1968 | Franquinet, Robert | Kracht en tederheid | Limburgs Dagblad | October 26, 1968 | Article |
1968 | Garrel, Betty van | Karel Appel: ik leef alleen voor mijn werk | Haagse Post | (interview), November 23, 1968 |
Article |
1969 | Borras, Maria Lluïsa | Piet Mondrian, eremita en Nueva York y Karel Appel o el vertigo de vivir | Destino | March 15, 1969 | Article |
1970 | Meyere, Jos A. L. de & Vinkenoog, Simon | Appel’s Oogappels | Appel’s Oogappels | (reprint from 1963), exh. cat. Centraal Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1970 |
Catalogue |
1971 | Appel, Karel & Alvard, Julien & Boudaille, George & Claus, Hugo & Dotremont, Christian & Vrijman, Jan | Karel Appel over Karel Appel | Triton Pers, Amsterdam, 1971 |
Monograph | |
1971 | Andrésen, Georg | Karel Appel |
exh. cat. Galerie Moderne, Silkeborg, Denmark |
Catalogue | |
1971 | Jespersen, Gunnar | Musik er min inspiration | Berlingske Tidende | Article | |
1972 | Hanlon, Arthur & Graburn, Richard & Rombout, Luke | Appel's Appels | with interview by Alan Hanlon and Richard Graburn and text by Luke Rombout, exh. cat. Musée d'Art Contemporain, Montreal, 1972 |
Catalogue | |
1973 | Bibeb | Karel Appel: Mijn LSD is m’n verf | Vrij Nederland | December 22, 1973 | Article |